When walking your dog in the countryside
Ashendon Parish Council
Ashendon Parish Council has recently distributed a leaflet reminding everyone in Ashendon of their responsibilities when walking their dog. Here is a summary:
• Take poo bags with you. Dog poo can spread diseases to other animals. Picking up your dog’s poo is a must!
• Double bag dog waste and place it in the general domestic waste bin, and not the food or garden bin.
• The county council can prosecute if owners fail to pick up waste and there’s enough evidence.
• Dog waste should not be tied to hedgerows, trees, or placed on top of a bin. • People who are registered blind are exempt from these dog fouling rules.
• Take plenty of water and a portable dog bowl.
• It’s the law to ensure your dog is microchipped & wears a collar with an ID tag that includes your name and address.
• Make sure your dog’s collar and harness fits well and they can’t slip or wriggle out of it.
• Keep your dog on a lead around farm animals or wildlife.
• Pack tasty, healthy treats that your dog can’t resist. You’ll know your dog will come when you call!
• Make sure your dog’s flea treatment is up-to-date.
• Check your dog for ticks at the end of your walk. Carefully remove any ticks you find – or take your dog to your vet if you’re not sure of the proper technique.
• Follow the countryside code find a copy on www.gov.uk
Source: Pet charity PDSA and Buckinghamshire County Council
Contact Information
Parish Clerk
- 07717 834606
Find Ashendon Parish Council
Ashendon, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire